
Análisis Softonic

Un juego de aventuras extraño con una calidad retorcida - 암걸리는 개임

"암이 암에걸려서 암이 나을것만 같군요!" -카브**

This game showcases the epitome of absurdity!

From the messed-up grammar to the convoluted story and questionable quality, this game is a complete trainwreck!

If you have a taste for the bizarre, download it now!

Why is it called "암걸리는 개임"?

It's all about the messed-up grammar!

  • The horrendous grammar that would make King Sejong furious!

It's a game that will drive you crazy!

  • From frustrating gameplay moments to not knowing what to do next, this game will leave you feeling stuck!

A story that makes no sense!

  • You won't understand how it all fits together, it's a complete puzzle!

Quality that will make you question everything!

  • From map design to bugs, ads, and even intentional glitches, there's nothing good to say about it!

It's an absolute disaster! Can you clear this game?!

  • Please note that "암걸리는 개임 모바일" is a combination of "암걸리는 개임1&2."

Programa disponible en otros idiomas

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